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Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Obama's Speech as a Thermometer for Our Sick Democracy » New

WASHINGTON — The tiff over the timing of President Barack Obama's jobs speech to Congress offers little hope that Republicans and the White House will now find common ground on how to reduce the nation's painfully high unemployment. In fact, some Democrats say it's time Obama stopped trying so hard to negotiate.

On matters large and small, Obama has yielded to House Speaker John Boehner in a string of concessions that have unnerved Democrats and emboldened Republicans. A chorus of Democratic voices is now demanding that the president abandon his attempts at being a compromiser and instead lay out an ideological vision that distinguishes him from Republicans and becomes a template for his re-election.

Obama had asked Congress to convene a joint session next Wednesday so he could announce his jobs agenda. Boehner objected, telling the president it would be better if he came the next night. Republicans were irritated that Obama wanted to speak at the same time Republican presidential candidates would be debating in California – and sharing TV time with him.


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