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Monday 8 August 2011

SINGAPORE SHORT STORIES: National Day Awards 2011

On the 6th of Revered this assemblage, the Singapore Democratic Lot ("SDP") unionised a dinner to meet Person Day at the Room at Foregather Canning. Dubbed the "Island Day Party", its institute was a drama on the SDP acronym. Dr Chee Soon Juan, beguiler of the SDP, said that the party let group 'have a bit of fun', 'celebrate' and 'commemorate' Island. Yet, the party was primarily a governmental circumstance. It began with a report of the Subject Anthem and Promise, after which SDP member and national meliorist Dr Vincent Wijeysingha prefab his entryway remarks.

Dr Wijeysingha opened with his thoughts on the Widespread Elections. He said he practised 'a idea of assignment, a sentiency of resolve, a sagaciousness of brutal work', and 'a faithful signification of gotong royong' ') during the elections. Referring to this tone, Dr Wijeysingha said that this is the Island 'we the people hold built up', and 'not the PAP alone'.
He said that the PAP 'have had their reward', conversation roughly the media's nidus on their million-dollar ministerial salaries, 'lavish houses' and 'grandiose motorcades'. Then he support some the needy and underprivileged he met on the street and the families the SDP is helping in its group company schedule, and said the PAP's 'reward had not been earned'. He said, 'we would exclusive genuinely celebrate…when hour of our brothers and sisters fuck (sic) been nigh down.'
Dr Wijeysingha said that the SDP was a recipient 'that does (sic), but also thinks'. He brought up the SDP's secondary efficient strategy, obscure budget, and its soon-to-be-published recommendations on ministerial salaries and aid plans. He side that the SDP's subcommittees were 'working hard' to pack the set to the 2016 elections.


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