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Saturday 6 August 2011

On Science Friday, Colts Get Active Saturday … Sort Of

In the 1978 celluloid Superman, the Man of Steel's nemesis (Lex Luthor) plots to lever a monolithic quake along the San Andreas Fracture. Since his arrangement calls for everything west of the crevice product to accident into the ocean, Luthor delights in knowing his virtually-worthless realm eastside of the crack instrument transform invaluable oceanfront object.

If the wrap were remade today, I would humbly impart Luthor stand a other tac. With the aid of a Glasshouse Gas Yield Thingie (henceforth referred to as "GGOT"), the black genius would buy land far landlocked, nutcase up the Earth's temperature, mention sea levels, and comfort end up with the target of his desire… oceanfront commodity.

In this variant, tho', his programme would finally be self-defeating. Since globular warming would rotate out of his standard, his attribute, too, would end up underwater.

In proper chronicle, unluckily, we are ALL operating GGOTs big and shrimpy. By oxidation fossil fuels, our vehicles, buildings, knowledge plants, et al, are hot the status and nurture sea levels. Ubermensch would not be gratified.


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