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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Tuesday, July 19th | Technology WebBlog

During my growing up John F. Kennedy WAS place as one of the best presidents this country has ever had. In some polls he is still up there. As a student of history - and had a suspicious way about me - I always wondered why. How was it that made ​​that Kennedy HIM have a great president (as opposed - It should be noted - to his being a popular president)?

In fact, when asked, Americans usually have two answers: (1) I was a heroic PT boat captain in World War II (Who managed to sink his ships) and (2) I was murder.


(Okay, I said something memorable in his inaugural speech.)

And that was it.

(Yes, the economy expanded in the early admirable goal I had little to do up to 60 is nothing to do with this phenomenon.)

It is heartwarming to see somehow, revised history. To be sure. Finally .......


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